Herring Hillcrest Homes Public Housing

0 Buildings
0 Units Available
50 Townhouses
34 Duplex
12 Family Homes

Herring Hillcrest Homes Public Housing has 0 buildings and has 0 units available. These are Public Housing Units that may also accept Section 8 Choice Housing Vouchers. The services these units. There are 50 Townhouses, 34 Multifamily Duplex/Triplex and 12 Single Family Homes.

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Herring Hillcrest Homes Public Housing

Herring Hillcrest Homes Public Housing

0 Buildings
0 Units Available
50 Townhouses
34 Duplex
12 Family Homes

Herring Hillcrest Homes Public Housing has 0 buildings and has 0 units available. These are Public Housing Units that may also accept Section 8 Choice Housing Vouchers. The services these units. There are 50 Townhouses, 34 Multifamily Duplex/Triplex and 12 Single Family Homes.

Herring Hillcrest Homes Public Housing

Herring/hillcrest Homes Public Housing Inspection Scores


310 N 6th St

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HUD Units


Inspection Secure

Recent Inspection Results

According to data published by HUD.gov, the most recent inspection for Herring/hillcrest Homes was July 24, 2018, in which it received a passing score.

Inspection History

HERRING/HILLCREST HOMES had at least 2 physical inspections between 2018 and 2018

99 February 21, 2018

85 July 24, 2018

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