Quinnipiac Terrace Phase I Public Housing

0 Buildings
0 Units Available
30 Townhouses

Quinnipiac Terrace Phase I Public Housing has 0 buildings and has 0 units available. These are Public Housing Units that may also accept Section 8 Choice Housing Vouchers. The services these units. There are 30 Townhouses.

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Quinnipiac Terrace Phase I Public Housing

Quinnipiac Terrace Phase I Public Housing

0 Buildings
0 Units Available
30 Townhouses

Quinnipiac Terrace Phase I Public Housing has 0 buildings and has 0 units available. These are Public Housing Units that may also accept Section 8 Choice Housing Vouchers. The services these units. There are 30 Townhouses.

Quinnipiac Terrace Phase I Public Housing

Quinnipiac Terrace Phase I Public Housing Inspection Scores

Quinnipiac Terrace Phase I

360 Orange St

Do you live here?


HUD Units


Inspection Secure

Recent Inspection Results

Currently, we do not have any information for this project.

Inspection History

QUINNIPIAC TERRACE PHASE I had at least 2 physical inspections between 2013 and 2013



New Haven City Parks

Chatham Square Park

Fairmont Park

Garden in the Park

Esmeralda Park

Bishop Woods Bird Sanctuary

Fort Wooster Park