KRETCHMER-BOYDEN-A had at least 2 physical inspections between 2016 and 2017
Kretchmer Boyden A Public Housing
Kretchmer Boyden A Public Housing has 0 buildings and has 0 units available. These are Public Housing Units that may also accept Section 8 Choice Housing Vouchers. The services these units. There are 4 Highrise Apartments with Elevator Service.
Begin your Search for Affordable Housing
Kretchmer Boyden A Public Housing
Begin your Search for Affordable Housing
Kretchmer Boyden A Public Housing
Kretchmer Boyden A Public Housing has 0 buildings and has 0 units available. These are Public Housing Units that may also accept Section 8 Choice Housing Vouchers. The services these units. There are 4 Highrise Apartments with Elevator Service.
Kretchmer Boyden A Public Housing
Kretchmer-boyden-a Public Housing Inspection Scores
500 Broad St
HUD Units
Inspection Secure
Recent Inspection Results
According to data published by, the most recent inspection for Kretchmer-boyden-a was April 3, 2017, in which it received a passing score.
Inspection History
Newark City Parks
Branch Brook Park
Mildred Helms Park
Military Park
Nat Turner Park
Newark Parks Trust
Independence Park